We offer 12 classes - 2 classes per month, starting January 9, 2025
Total cost is $220 or $40 per month.
2025 Registration starts October 25, 2024
To complete registration, please make full payment or monthly payment to the Higher Design for Living School of Ministry by making payment via CASHAPP @ $Globug1999
Paypal.com @ paypal.me/Globug1999
Higher Design for Living School of Ministry
Foundational Scriptures: Revelations 4:1; Romans 12:2; 3 John 2; Ephesians 4:12
VISION: To see our students transformed, equipped, empowered, and motivated to live out God’s divine and ultimate purpose as they come higher into the presence of God and His Word.
MISSION: Our mission is to provide classes that will assist the student through the teaching of biblical and business principles to live out/birth out God’s divine and ultimate purpose through the transforming of the mind that can equip, empower, and motivate our students to fulfill their God-given assignments, visions, goals, dreams and aspirations.
The Higher Design for Living School of Ministry (HD4LSM) is here to assist in the birthing out process that is necessary to fulfill the calling and assignment for all who desire to walk fully in that which God has purposed through virtual classes, workshops, personal development sessions, videos, and blogs consisting of teachings, panel discussions, and great dialogue in preparation whether the assignment is in the church or the marketplace.
All that have accepted Christ have been gifted, anointed by Holy Spirit and appointed to serve within the body of Christ in some capacity. We use the term minister(s) and servant(s) interchangeably because they are one and the same. We are all called to serve, to minister in different ways, based on the giftings, anointings and direction of Holy Spirit as children of the Most-High God. However, all are NOT called to the five-fold ministry. More and more, many are struggling with accepting the call to the five-fold ministry. These classes will help to embrace the call, knowing that it is an honor and a privilege that God through the power and leading of His Holy Spirit to help equip others called to the body "for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;" (Ephesians 4:11-13 (NKJV))
This is a list of core values that we embrace at Higher Design for Living School of Ministry:
We are sensitive to the Holy Spirit and desire to see the manifestation of the gifts and the demonstration of power of God in miracles, signs and wonders. We desire to see this power demonstrated both inside and outside the church walls
To continue the finished work of Christ may that will provide victory for every situation and wholeness in spirit, soul, and body.
We are a people of faith who trust in the goodness of God and believe in His promises, for health, healing, and prosperity.
We exalt the truth of God’s word above our circumstance, human reasoning and understanding.
Honour brings life - we therefore cultivate high levels of respect in all relationships.
We train for life, believing that all believers are called to minister and have an impact on the world around them.
Discipleship and accountability are essential aspects of fulfilling our destiny in Christ.
Our growth as believers requires transparency, openness and a teachable spirit.
Our character is more important than our gifts. Who we are is of greater value than what we do.
"Preparing Today
Leading Tomorrow"